Why Double Zero Roulette?

The difference between American Roulette and its European “cousin” is all in the name and Double Zero Roulette refers to the fact that American Roulette has 2 zero slots featured on the wheel (as opposed to the single 0 on European Roulette wheels). This addition of an extra 0 slot on the wheel raises the gaming stakes and offers you roulette in a devilishly entertaining format.

Higher Stakes Means Bigger Roulette Rewards

Our exciting American Roulette games feature the classic double zero that offers a more thrilling version of the game that made Vegas famous. But how does it influence game play? American roulette features 38 numbered pockets in non-sequential order, all of which are waiting for you to place your bet on. Our insightful in game American Roulette strategies are available to you once you try our Microgaming casino software. This will allow you to master the rules of the game and stand a better chance of winning.

American Roulette Payout Charts

Many of our players are on the lookout for a standardised American Roulette Payout Chart. For your convenience, we have included one below. Please note however, that all of our casino games (including American Roulette) have their individual payout chart within the games software.

American Roulette inside bet payouts

Straight-Up Bet - Bet on a single number. 35:1 payout
Split Bet - Bet on 2 adjacent numbers. 17:1 payout
Street Bet - Bet on any 3 numbers in a row. 11:1 payout
Square Bet - Bet on a block of 4 numbers. 8:1 payout
5-Number Line Bet - Bet on 5 numbers, 00, 0, 1, 2 and 3. 6:1 payout
6-Number Line Bet - Bet on 6 numbers of 2 adjacent rows. 5:1 payout

American Roulette outside bet payouts

Column Bet - Bet on 1 of the 3 vertical columns. 2:1 payout
Dozen Bet - Bet on 12 numbers in the high, middle or low grouping. 2:1 payout
Even Money Bet - Bet on 18 numbers. 1:1 payout

Play American Roulette Online!

Roulette has always been one of the world’s most popular casino games, so try our casino software, open a new real account and start playing American Roulette Online!